PrimeDocs GmbH is the main company of the PrimeSoft Group in Germany. We offer premium services and template software products in the areas of document templates and custom software for Microsoft 365.
The following customers rely on our software solutions
We facilitate your daily work agenda
Template software based on Microsoft, individual software engineering and customized training moving your company to the next level: Find out more on how we simplify daily work routines for you and for your employees.
Contact us
Get in Touch
PrimeDocs GmbH
Karlsplatz 3
80335 München, Deutschland
Phone: +49 89 215 4106-0
About PrimeDocs and the PrimeSoft Group
The PrimeSoft Group, which obtains locations in Switzerland and Germany, is a leading group of companies in the field of software engineering, template software and training based on the latest Microsoft technologies. PrimeDocs GmbH is our location in Munich, providing individual support to all customers outside of Switzerland.
More than 600,000 users use our lean software solutions every day, which perfectly complement Microsoft’s range of services and significantly simplify numerous daily work routines. One emphasis lies with our in-house template software products Brandic, Brandic 365 and OneOffixx. Working digitally with company documents has never been so easy and cost-effective: Our template software solutions empower users to create professional Microsoft documents in the correct CI/CD at the push of a button.
It is possible to run our software solutions and template software innovations on an own hardware or as SaaS in the cloud. In addition, customized support services are another key factor you can fully rely on when working with us.
Welcome to the future – with template software and services by PrimeSoft!